Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about spaying/neutering pets and its benefits for owners.
Wiregrass Saving Pets Challenge
We need your help in raising funds for the Wiregrass Spay Neuter Alliance for spay...
Why should you spay/neuter your pet?
© By making sure that your pet can’t have puppies or kittens...
Vet Testimonials
{youtube}kLFfiHHIeFI{/youtube} {youtube}kLFfiHHIeFI|280|210{/youtube}...
The Crisis of Pet Overpopulation
©2006 Every day in the United States, thousands upon thousands of puppies and kittens...
Spay/Neuter Your Pets
{youtube}YSlucOhJCN8{/youtube} {youtube}YSlucOhJCN8|280|210{/youtube}...
Spay PSA
{youtube}_I8dXolIyl4{/youtube} {youtube}_I8dXolIyl4|280|210{/youtube}...
Spay PSA
Myths and Facts About Spaying and Neutering
MYTH: My pet will get fat and lazy. FACT: The truth is that most pets...
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